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Getting help

If something about NoScript puzzles you, please read the FAQ first.

You can always discuss about NoScript or seek help on this support forum, where you will be welcomed by an amazing volunteer staff of very knowledgeable and friendly NoScript power users.

Reporting issues

If you've found a bug, please report it in the source code repository.

Security reports

We strive to fix security sensitive issues in the shortest time possible (hours, ideally) while protecting users. If you've find one, please report privately at To ensure confidentiality and protect users, please encrypt your report with this PGP key: 3359 0391 70A3 CD9B 25CF 5A46 231A 83AF DA9C 2434.

Contributing and reusing

Most of NoScript's back-end code has been retfactored out into the NoScript Commons Library (NSCL), thanks to the National Democratic Institute's precious support, with the goal of improving its reusability by other privacy/security-focused browser extensions.

If you are a developer wishing to fix an issue, to contribute new code or to reuse existing NoScript (Commons Library) code, the relevant repositories are:

  1. NoScript (front-end) source code repository
  2. NoScript Commons Library source code repository


NoScript is currently localized in 28 languages, and this website is in the process to be made easier to localize, too. If you wish to help translate NoScript in your language, please use this Transifex instance generously offered by the Open Technology Fund (you'll need to login or create a free Transifex account first).


Specific NoScript development efforts have been generously supported by the Open Technology Fund, the National Democratic Institute, the NLNet Foundation and other institutions which value privacy, security and digital rights for everyone.

Open Technology Fund logo National Democratic Institute logo NLnet logo


Nevertheless NoScript couldn't keep up with its continuous and strenuous fight against emerging web threats with no help from you, dear user. So, if you find NoScript useful, please consider a donation, either via Paypal (USD / EUR) or by other means. You will feel proud of your contribution to a safer web, and even prouder of your gorgeous dark NoScript wallpaper.